An Introduction To Pranayama - The Seven Chakras

When we talk about Pranayama - The Seven Chakras, we discuss the interrelationship between the Pranayama and the Chakras of the body. Let us understand the meaning of Pranayama and Chakras. Pranayama are breathing techniques that help the individuals in maintaining a good health. For staying healthy, it is necessary that you breathe correctly as your breath is the source of oxygen to the body. The human body is believed to have seven chakras starting from the bottom of the spine going up to the top of the head. These chakras are considered to be the sources of energy. Let us understand the seven chakras and how Pranayama can help in balancing them.

Pranayama - The Seven Chakras

The following are the Chakras in a human body.

Muladhara - This is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is denoted by a red lotus with four petals. It is related to security, survival and stability. This chakra represents the earth element.

Svadisthana - This is the second chakra and is located at the lower abdomen. It is denoted by an orange colored lotus having six petals. It is related to sexuality, creativity and emotions. This chakra represents the water element.

Manipura - This is the third chakra and is located at the solar plexus. It is denoted by a yellow lotus with ten petals. It is related to personal power, self esteem, fear, anxiety and complex emotions. This chakra represents the fire element.

Anahata - This is the fourth chakra and is located at the heart. It is denoted by a green or pink lotus with twelve petals. It is related to love, compassion and trust. This chakra represents the air element.

Vishuddha - This is the fifth chakra and is located at the throat. It is denoted by a blue or turquoise lotus with sixteen petals. It is related to communication and self expression. This chakra represents the element akasha (sky).

Ajna - This is the sixth chakra and is located between the eyebrows. It is denoted by white, indigo or deep blue lotus having only two petals. It is related to intuition, emotional and mental intelligence.

Sahasrara - This is the seventh chakra and is located at the top of the head. It is denoted by violet colored lotus having one thousand petals. It is related to devotion, inspiration and spiritual understanding.

In order to keep the mind and body healthy, it is important that the seven chakras remain in balance. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama is an effective exercise for balancing the seven chakras and can be performed by anybody - beginners or experts. This exercise is simple and provides benefits like reducing stress, improving the respiratory system and strengthening the nervous system.

As in any exercise, you should follow the Pranayama - safety guidelines before doing any of the Pranayama asanas. To learn all about Pranayama and breathing technique for beginners, you should join a yoga course. This will give you information on every aspect of yoga including Pranayama - The Seven Chakras.